Sunday, July 28, 2019

Autodesk Self-Extract Initializing Crash Issue

Autodesk Inventor or other products use the self extracting program:
  Autodesk Self-Extract

It disappears or crashes after Initializing. Solution which solved the issue was to make sure the self-extract files are not coming from a network drive.

Place .sfx files in a local folder, then try again.

I hope this helped you!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

MacBook Pro Battery Drain Issue With Lid Closed - Solved

If you find your MacBook Pro battery drains from 100% full to 30% in about a day, you confirmed Apple has bad software quality assurance.

The solution I found was to type the following at the terminal window (Command + Spacebar, type terminal and press enter):
sudo pmset -b tcpkeepalive 0
This sets a power management setting to turn off a periodic network related item, getting rid of the battery drain.

Shutdown or Restart your laptop.