Thursday, July 4, 2013

How to fix Bittorrent periodic slowdown, download speed dropping

Sometimes Bittorrent downloads will regularly slow down, causing the download speed to look like a sinusoidal up and down slowing and speeding up as below (bottom graph):

This periodic slowing down and speeding up is caused by setting the upload speed limit too low.

For example, if your upload speed is 3,000 KB/s and upload is limited to 40 KB/s, you will see this behavior.  Try increasing the upload limit in your Bittorrent client such as Deluge, Transmission or uTorrent such that it is at least 1/20th of your download speed (3,000/20 = 150, so the upload limit should be at least 150 KB/s).

Hope this helps!  If so, leave a thank you comment!

Monday, January 14, 2013

SSH Putty SOCKS proxy Connection Reset error

If you are trying to connect to your SSH Tunnel to setup a secure proxy, yet receive a "Connection Reset" error in Firefox this may help.

In Firefox, go to this address "about:config" and make sure this value is set to true:
    network.proxy.socks_remote_dns = true

Note the dynamic forwarding port in Putty settings:

In Firefox, network Connection settings window, make sure "Manual Proxy" is selected and make sure that only the SOCKS fields are populated. All other proxy fields should be blank, and "0" for the ports.  See example below:

The SOCKS proxy should have the Putty dynamic tunnel port number.

That's it.  You can check your IP address before and after using the proxy at